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Workshops for Teachers, Administrators, & Service Providers

Creating Safe, Supportive, and Affirming Environments for LGBTQ+ Students.
Designed for all school personnel to raise awareness about challenges faced by LGBTQ+ youth. Participants will discuss the risk factors and explore realistic strategies to make school a safer place for all students, including the creation of Gay/Straight Alliances.
Navigating Mental Health in the LGBTQ+ Community
This discussion based, informative presentation gives attendees an opportunity to leave with a greater understanding of how to create an affirming environment within their own therapeutic space, includes a full review of the “do’s and don’ts”. This workshop is designed for mental health and/or clinical professionals. The objectives of this presentation is to help mental health providers understand the ways in which sexual orientation and gender identity impact mental health and gain a greater understanding of Gender Dysphoria and how to help people identify coping skills to manage it.
Working with the LGBTQ+ Community
LGBTQ+ individuals face particular challenges while navigating supportive services and the world around them. Service providers, social workers, and mental health professionals are introduced to the dynamics of growing up as a member of the LGBTQ+ community. Specific emphasis is placed on transgender youth and young men who have sex with men. Learn how your organization can become more responsive to this population.
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about PFY's Community Education program, contact:
Amanda Frobosilo
Phone: (516) 679-9000 ext. 16