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Supportive Counseling
Supportive Counseling
Supportive Counseling is free and open to LGBTQ+ folks of all ages. Counselors are available for weekly sessions for up to 6 months. Counselors are trained to help you explore your sexual orientation, gender identity, sexual health needs, the coming out process, and other topics that are important to you and your mental health.
Appointments are available Monday-Friday. Call to schedule.
Appointments are available Monday-Friday during PFY work hours.
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about Counseling at PFY, or to schedule an appointment contact:
Amanda Frobosilo
Phone: (516) 679-9000 ext. 16
If you or someone you know is in crisis or feeling suicidal,
please call our 24/7 hotline: (516) 679-1111
If you or someone you know is in any immediate danger, call 911
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